
Never Buy Swords When Hungry?

3 reasons not to buy swords when hungry....
This is something you really need to read about how a very bad day at work, became a very funny one. . Three days ago I was driving back one from work. That was a roughest day in weeks.I had so many things to do, that I forgot to eat anything.  I was starving and on a very bad mood.
I was so hungry that I published it on my facebook wall. Couple of minutes an old friend answered me back saying "Hey you are starving and you like swords don't you??? Then you should try what these guys did.
Believe me I was starving but after looking to these guys, well you know its not something you want to do with your swords collection.
I found out there are three reasons why you shouldn't buy swords when hungry:
1)    You could get a new job on a circus bu eating as many swords as you can in 2 minutes
2)    You could end up on a Guinness World Records' book, for being  "The guy who transforms his face into scissors in 2 simple steps". You should see the picture at our blog. This guys has 2 swords that come back from his neck and and across his cheek on the opposite side. Believe me you don't want that job.
3)    The worst thing that could happen to you is to find your self buying a 300USD wooden-stick package instead of a nice Samurai Sword.
Now what you think about it???? Which one do you prefer?

